As we all know. Like last year JEE main will be held via two modes this year also:- Online and Offline. The Online mode of exam was introduced last year which provided choice of exam mode to the students. Here are a few advantages and disadvantages of both modes you should consider while choosing.
- About 10 minutes of Extra time since you don't have to bother filling out bubbles in the OMR sheet.
- Better facilities such as Comfortable seats, Conditioned rooms, Little distractions (like a radio playing in full volume in nearby shop), Lesser formalities (In written based mode teacher goes to each student and asks him to carry out the formalities like Thumb Impression, signature, etc. In the process other students are disturbed. If you are unlucky you might end up with a strict scolding lady teacher with a shrill voice... I swear you'd want to kill her right then. That teacher ruined my paper to be honest... In online mode, things are usually smooth)
- You might get lucky if there is a power cut or related problem. The clock stops and resumes only when problem is resolved. In the meantime you might solve the problems you have read already and get extra time.
- At a time you are focused on one problem only, While in offline mode you are focused on the whole page.
- You are bound to make guesses since it takes only a click of mouse as opposed to a tedious task of filling out bubbles. This is a very common problem, esp. for students who are overconfident and attempt many questions and get negatives.
- We all have practice for the pen and paper mode. So, Any novel experience is risky. Especially for people who do not have computers or who do not spend much time on computers. Even if you do spend a lot of time, we all know computers are not for studying. At least for JEE
- Looking up the problems, and then penning the solution down on the rough sheet is a hassle.
- Depending on your choice of exam date, You might end up with either a difficult or an easy paper. However JEE claims to make the papers of equal difficulty. It is obvious that the questions are not the same. Which suggests that Its all a matter of luck if you got the questions you are good at or something completely strange.